How to Deal with Virus notifications in Windows.


Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Windows 10/11


Notifications appear in the corner of your screen while using your preferred web browser. These notifications will mention or display a picture of a well-known anti-virus software, such as a McAfee. The notification will claim your PC has run into a virus and needs help, prompting the user to scan their computer.



Do not click on the notification. Use the following instructions to remove the notification from the application.


Google Chrome

  1. Confirm the notifications are coming from Chrome by locating the name and Icon in the notification.             
  2. Locate the site address causing the issue in the notification and make a record of it.
  3. Select the 3 dots in the upper right corner and enter select Settings.
  4. Click the 3 line menu on the top left and navigate select" Privacy and Security
  5. Click Site settings then View permissions and data stored across sites.
  6. Use the Search bar at the top and enter in the previously recorded site address
  7. Enter the recorded address into the search bar and locate the site. The search function should automatically filter results.
  8. To delete all data associate with the site, click the trashcan icon on the right side of the row, then click Clear.
  • If you want to keep certain information on that site, you can click on the arrow to the left of the trashcan icon.
  • Under Permissions, find Notifications, then select the drop-down menu and select Block


Mozilla Firefox

  1. Confirm the notifications are coming from Mozilla Firefox by locating the name and icon in the notification.    
  2. Locate the site address causing the issue in the notification and make a record of it.
  3. Select 3 lines button then select settings.
  4. Click Privacy and Security from the left panel.
  5. Scroll to the Permissions section
  6. Click the Settings... button to the right of Notifications.
  7. Use the Search bar at the top and enter in the previously recorded site address.
  8. Select Allow or Block from the Status drop-down for the website
  9. Click Save Changes

Microsoft Edge

  1. Confirm the notifications are coming from Mozilla Firefox by locating the name and icon in the notification.   
  2. In Edge, go to the Settings and more 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of your browser window.
  3. Select Settings wheelCookies and site permissions and select Notifications. Under Allow, you will find a list of websites that are currently sending you notifications.
  4. Select the 3 dots next to the website from with you want to stop receiving notifications and select either Remove or Block.
  • Selecting Block stops the website from sending you notifications.
  • Selecting Remove stops notifications also, but if you visit this website in the future the site will ask if you want to allow notifications again.

Additional Information

If you are still getting notifications after following the above steps, you may have multiple sites sending you these notifications. You can follow the steps again for each unique website that appears in the notifications.

This issue can be caused by completing a seemingly innocent CAPTCHA or request to allow a site to manage your notification settings. These are not legitimate virus alerts, but push notifications originating from your Internet browser. Websites may ask your permission to send notifications. Do not approve access requests from unfamiliar or suspicious websites and emails as they could be attempts to steal your information. While some pop-up viruses are clear and obvious scams, some are far more sophisticated, particularly so when they pose as legitimate, respected security companies.

Notifications, or pop-ups from web browsers can be harmful to your computer. Do not click the pop-up. Doing so may trigger malware to download, resulting in data theft or browser hijacking.