My Recently Visited Services
Direct Workday and Bank Mobile Issues and Inquires towards Student Accounts, AKA The Bursar's Office.
Report problems with various IT Hardware around campus.
IT Hardware includes Desktops, Laptops, Docking stations, monitors, printers, scanners, copiers, Wyse Terminals, and computer accessories such as mice and keyboards.
Report issues logging into Blackboard: IE User Name/Password Issues, or issues with your internet browser.
Request access to email while outside of the US, Find missing emails, or Report Issues with your UAPTC Email.
Report an issue with accessing course materials inside of Blackboard. IE: One of your classes is not listed, Issues displaying the course material correctly.
Report Issues or errors with various software used by UAPTC: e.g. Lockdown Browser, Examsoft, Microsoft Office, Eaglesoft, and others.
Many Login issues can be resolved by changing your UAPTC Password.
UAPTC has a supply of wireless Hotspots to provide to students and employees.
Request Training related to Travel. Submit questions regarding Student Travel, Spend Authorizations, or Expense Reports.
Report issues logging into: UAPTC Email, Blackboard, Workday, or MyApps.
Direct Workday Issues and Inquires towards either the Records or Registrars Office.
Request ability to access Blackboard while outside of the US.
Request that a temporary username/password be created for a non-student or employee
Report issues specifically related to the Mersive system located in classrooms.
Request an IT Assessment and Opinion on a new A/V setup for a Classroom or Meeting room.
Reserve a media room for an Event, or request A/V Support for an Event
Request Training related to purchasing. Submit questions about Contracts, requisitions, Business Cards.