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Services or Offerings?
Report issues with TVs, ViewSonic Boards, or Digital Signage

Request an IT Assessment and Opinion on a new A/V setup for a Classroom or Meeting room.

Direct Workday Issues and Inquires towards Admissions.

Direct Workday Issues and Inquires towards Advising.

Direct Workday Issues and Inquires towards Financial Aid.

Reserve a media room for an Event, or request A/V Support for an Event

Report issues specifically related to the Mersive system located in classrooms.

Direct Workday Issues and Inquires towards either the Records or Registrars Office.

Report a suspicious email or unauthorized account access.

Many Login issues can be resolved by changing your UAPTC Password.

Direct Workday and Bank Mobile Issues and Inquires towards Student Accounts, AKA The Bursar's Office.

UAPTC has a supply of wireless Hotspots to provide to students and employees.

Report issues logging into Blackboard: IE User Name/Password Issues, or issues with your internet browser.